In a DIVORCE it may be necessary to hire a qualified FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT
If you are anticipating a divorce you may want to discuss your finances not only with an attorney but with a well qualified forensic accountant. A very common situation is a new client who has a business which is successful and which provides a good deal of the income to the marriage. The business was started during the marriage and both husband and wife have long standing histories within the business.
There are many questions that will become critically important. What will happen to the business? Will it be sold? Will only one spouse receive it to the detriment of the other? Will the parties be able to work together in the business post divorce? What is it worth? How do you value it? and many many more!
The key to getting a proper result in cases such as these is to realize that your business accountant is NOT going to be capable of providing proper valuation services in time of a divorce. You need to hire a completely independent expert forensic accountant. This accountant will meet with you business accountant and examine the books and records and will also review the history of the business with you. The forensic expert will be able to determine a realistic and current market value, correct and reliable cash flows and asset/liability valuations. Their report will be central to your divorce, whether settled of contested.
If you find yourself in such a position it is best to consult an attorney with substantial experience. There are so many different circumstances that a proper answer to your particular problem can only be obtained by a trained and experienced lawyer.
If you have any question regarding this or any other legal matter our firm may be able to help you. Please contact Jupiter Legal Advocates at (561) 748-8000 or email us at for further information and assistance. We try our very best to respond immediately.
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